Sunday, 8 December 2019

Manifesto links

Taxpayers pay for a mail-out for candidates, I think.

They came a day or two ago, slightly different to the usual leaflets, and most were A5 gloss.
The manifestos are about 100 sides of A4, 50 sheets, 25 sheets if reduced to 2-up on a printer, and are in chapters so it's possible do do a one or two sheets at a time. The liberals ought to be ahead on this because they are capable of using a printing press which is in a garage workshop near Mortlake station - sometimes you can see them doing it - and can print at least up to A3. A lot of the volunteer activists are able to afford Epson eco-tank printers and buy cheap ink by the litre to print on paper at around a penny a sheet in supermarkets or in ebay.

Unfortunately the party activists have delivered exactly zero pages or their manifesto, dispite a taxpayer payment for one mailout. It's possible to read online or print-out, but if not many of us do it, what's the point?

I printed out the liberal manifesto on 2-up double-sided and might have read it to the end.
I googled the conservative manfesto and had a look.
I tried to find the labour "gray book" online but didn't.

Anyway, anyone who votes in Richmond on Thames is going to vote Liberal or Conservative if they want to effect the result.

-----------------------------------libdem looks good in parts with costings, plain text version, audio version, quick read version

...liberal manifesto with all the graphics

-----------------------------------conservative says "trust is" in effect: it's a tabloid slogan page slogans and photos with links at the bottom

...conservative manifesto with all the graphics.


If the people who find the conservative party insisted on getting a manifesto delivered for the money, they would be doing the electorate a favour and the liberals would have to follow.


Now the election is over, here are some others - Frank Field's site won him over 7,000 votes against 17,000 for the Labour and Momentum candidate. Like Frank Field, The Independent Group for Change had Lib Dem candidates standing against it which says something about how tribal the Lib Dem party is.